More stay-at-home students to fix parking

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Parking is the never-ending issue at this college.

This coming week brings the closure of Dewey Place, meaning no parking along the street for three weeks.

That could mean searching for a parking space could become like searching for the holy grail — impossible.

Well, maybe not impossible, but parking sure has become a running joke around campus.

The administration is always trying different things to help students with parking.

Last semester parking lots were rented in distant areas, and a contract with VIA was made to shuttle students to and from those spaces.

While it was somewhat effective, many students were reluctant to wait for the buses. 

It is understandable that some students might not want to leave their car at a distant lot for security reasons, so why not try something radically different?

Blended courses could be a simple solution for limited parking.

Blended courses are a combination of online and lecture classes where students come to campus one or two days of the week for lecture and the rest of the class is taken online.

It may not work for all students and all classes, for example a math class.

However, blended courses could be useful for classes like English in which students spend half their time reading stories and the other half discussing them.

Professors could even take advantage of the Blackboard Vista program to have discussions.

Blended courses could potentially cut down the amount of traffic around the campus, meaning more available parking spots during those days meant for online studying.

Not only would blended courses help alleviate the parking situation and make the most of campus space, they would also help students study.

Taking advantage of Blackboard Vista could even help students when studying because discussions will be available online for students to review.


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