Letter: Board should get tuition right

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I read the article, “Tuition schedule moved forward for board approval” posted Oct. 13, which discusses the recent Audit, Budget, and Finance Committee’s proposal to raise tuition rates with the promise of possible “free” summer credits.

This proposal is not in the best interest of students.

The current cost for 24 hours split equally in the spring and fall semesters is $1,746, at a cost of $72.75 per hour.

The proposed cost for the same period under the new plan is $2,064, at a cost of $86 per hour.

Students who take the free summer courses can save up to $186, but everyone will not take those summer classes.

The increase appears based on a two-question survey with vague questions not mentioning an increase in tuition.

The lack of follow-up on the results of that survey is what truly makes the decision disturbing.

It gives the appearance of the board going through the obligatory process of asking the question, with no due diligence.

This seems more like a scheme to make money for the institution than a plan for the good of students.

The board should push to get it right with proper research and information gathering, not push the new policy through for spring 2017.
Reginald Hardin

Computer Programming Sophomore


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