Changing mascot holds group responsible for acts of a few

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Re: “Replacing mascot raises questions about college leaders” (July 8)

Antonio the Ranger is a problem I haven’t heard of until I attended classes at San Antonio College and read The Ranger. 

Recently, I have learned the “ranger” has an unpleasant and terrifying past on the Tejanos.

The Mexican-Americans nicknamed the period 1919-1920 La Hora De Sangre, during which records estimate victims from 500-5,000.

Originally, Stephen F. Austin created the Texas Rangers to protect its citizens from outside intruders, but over the years the people in the Rangers let power overcome logic and tainted the noble peacekeepers.

Replacing the mascot is a trivial response to discrimination and suggests if a small portion of the group is deplorable, than the whole group is.

Will we act and think the same way if a certain race, nationality or religion acts or does anything a certain way and consider the whole group the same? 

Or rather recreate the name and show the people what they were meant to be.

Gabriel Ortega

Music Business Freshman


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