Clubs run into student life’s dead ends

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With the word life embedded in the name, one wonders why there are so many dead ends for student clubs vying for funds from the office of student life. 

What should be a walk in the park often seems like a walk through a maze. 

Student life, like any bureaucracy, has its twists and turns, but that’s fine, just as long as the divergence leads to the destination.

A maze, however, is filled with dead ends, and the ultimate goal and objective may be lost on the journey.

Student life Director Jorge Posadas warns club advisers that funding for clubs depends on participation in student life activities.

This can result in a dead end because of the inevitable scheduling conflicts that come with having classes, a family, a life outside of this college, a job, two jobs and on top of everything else, a membership in a campus club.

Posadas says that student life monitors club attendance by having a sign-up sheet for club members at the various events.

So this means that funds are entirely dependent on student life actually doing their job by providing the list at the events, keeping track of these lists and making the lists available to the public. There are conflicting reports. No sheet was available at the showing of “300” Nov. 9 in the mall.

The leadership of student life needs to ensure students and advisers that they will meet these standards so that at the very least, there are no more dead ends for students.


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