Study: Starting a Study Group 101

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 Illustration by Alexandra Nelipa

Illustration by Alexandra Nelipa

By Richard Montemayor

To start a study group and get it going on the right track, students should run it like a business, said Dehlia Wallis, coordinator for student development at this college.

Wallis said students must set up ground rules for the group. For example, each group member should be responsible for an equal amount of work outside the group for a class assignment.

Each member also should adopt a role, such as communicator, group leader and timekeeper.

“Figuring out the group members’ roles and maintaining a serious state of mind will help students stay on task,” Wallis said. “It’s a good way to stay on track if you review what you went over the previous time. Hold a study group like a business meeting – just without the formalities, just with some organization that will help manage the group better.”

Moody Learning Center has study rooms on the second, third and fourth floor, with a kiosk where students can sign up to reserve a study room.

Librarian Eileen Oliver said the study rooms were part of a remodel that took place over several years and was completed in 2012. Rules for using the library study rooms are:

• Students need at least two people in order to reserve a room.

• Study rooms are offered on a first-come first served basis and cannot be reserved in advance.

• At least one person from the group must have an ID card from this college.

• No food or drinks are allowed in the study rooms, unless drinks have a lid.

Rooms are available for three hours and can be renewed if available.


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