Phone app promotes physical activity

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I enjoyed the article “‘Pokémon Go’ offers a new community activity” posted July 21, which offers a new activity within our community.

Many people are only concentrating on the negative aspects of this new game.

We should stop for a moment and think what benefits are being offered with the new technology, which can help children against obesity.

America has always been trying to find new ways to encourage young ones to go outside and actually do more physical activity.

Research has proven that with a poor diet and not enough physical activity many young Americans are overweight.

Now, we have new technology, which can encourage children to enjoy their favorite pastime and also become more physically active.

This innovative change will make a change in our youth’s health.

Once again, thank you for publishing a great article in showing the positive aspects of “Pokémon Go.”


Ruben Betancourt

Communications Sophomore


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