Blood drive nets 74 units

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Hector Flores, lead donor care specialist, sterilizes the arm of nursing sophomore Miguel Altamirano Feb. 13 in Room 230 of the nursing complex. Nursing Professor Daniel Flores organized the event, which attracted 73 donors, surpassing their initial goal of 50. Amaru Ruiz

Many lives were saved because of exceeding the goal, phlebotomist said.

By Sandy Cordell

Seventy-four units of blood were collected Feb. 13 in a drive sponsored by this college’s chapter of the Texas Nursing Student Association.

This was the first time the organization sponsored a blood drive on campus.

Eighty-four students and faculty showed up between 10 a.m-5 p.m. to donate, according to records at South Texas Blood and Tissue Center.

The blood bank had a goal for the drive to draw 45 units. Donations constituted 164 percent of the day’s goal.

Dr. Daniel Flores Jr., nursing professor, described the flow of donors as “crazy busy.”

“Hopefully, we are making a difference to the San Antonio community,” he said.

One student explained why he did not hesitate to give blood for the first time.

“I’ve been in a lot of panful situations before, history sophomore James Garrett said. “Last year I got laser surgery and a body wax a few times. And in December, I had all my wisdom teeth taken out. If I can survive all of that, how bad can this be?”

After his donation, Garrett said, “I’m glad I donated. Hopefully, I helped someone today.”

Nursing sophomore Ashley Zapata, said “I used to donate all the time but haven’t done it in quite a few years. So, I had the opportunity today to help somebody.”

Many students found out about the blood drive from their professors, who encouraged them to donate.

Phlebotomist Hector Flores said he was excited to be on campus for the drive.

“Normally we don’t see this many people at this school,” he said. “Without STBTC collecting blood at places like SAC, there might be people that don’t get to go home.”

Nursing sophomore Tim Barrientes summed the day up, “It’s a great day to save lives.”


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