Register for districtwide 5K

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Wellness Committee hosts annual run to help participants get moving.

By Melissa Luna

Kinesiology Adjunct Chris Dillon, who is also the district wellness coordinator, is promoting the second annual Alamo Colleges Wellness 5K Run/Walk.

The event starts at 8 a.m. Saturday at Palo Alto College on the city’s South Side.

Students, employees, military and members of the community are invited to participate.

Registration for Alamo Colleges students, employees and military is $30 and members of the community can register for $35.

All participants will receive a free athletic performance T-shirt. Fabrics in athletic performance minimize moisture to keep wearers more comfortable.

Children 6-12 years can register for $15, and admission for children 5 years and under is free.

The money raised by the run goes to the Alamo Colleges Wellness Foundation, which allows Alamo Colleges employees to enhance their development through wellness offerings, such as participating in local running or walking events, obtaining job-related certifications and training and other activities, according to information from the district public information department.

Dillon wants students and the community to “think about the big picture” when it comes to health and staying in shape.

He is requiring students in his kinesiology classes to participate.

“It’s not about how fast they do it; I want them to complete it,” Dillon said.

Oceanography sophomore Mindy Brazell is enrolled in Dillon’s KINE 1179, Physical Conditioning 1, class on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

“I’m grateful that we don’t have to finish in a certain amount of time. He just wants us to complete it. I can do that,” Brazell said.

Participants can register at

A video of the course can be seen at

For more information, contact Dillon at 210-486-1025.


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