Finding help as simple as asking, students find

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Veteran students share the most helpful spots they have found.


A new semester brings new students who may not be familiar with all the services and resources the college has to offer.

To help them out, members of The Ranger staff asked students who have been around a while to share their special finds.

Sophomore Jorge Perez responded simply with “This guy,” gesturing toward his friend Manuel Sotelo. “My friends with experience, it’s my second day here,” Perez added.

Sotelo, also a sophomore, said, “Honestly, not anything is helpful. Everything I have figured it out by myself. The website is extremely helpful.”

Dan Aguayo is a freshman at San Antonio College. He replied with “Financial aid is a great service, paying off my college classes and getting the books required.”

A 19-year-old psychology sophomore Wendy Robles said, “The Empowerment Center. It has free printing. And the Advocacy Center because it has free snacks.”

Liberal arts sophomore Shylee Beartich agreed. “The enrichment center’s free printing.” But Beartich also admitted she hasn’t used most of the resources the college offers.

Nineteen-year-old nursing sophomore Marcy Muniz said, “The Biospot because it offers free biology tutoring.”

Ivan Chavira, a 20-year-old mechanical engineering sophomore said the resources that helped him were, “The free wi-fi and being an engineering major, I have to take a lot of math and science classes, so places like the Chemspot up in the geology and chemistry building and the SLAC lab, where they offer like free tutoring and all that, and it’s like a huge help for me.”

He added that even the small stuff, such as the free gym hours, helps him take up time between classes when he has nothing to do.

Nineteen-year-old music sophomore Maya Cuevas said, “The staff are very helpful, and teachers are able to help you if you’re having trouble.”

Hollice Poppe, a computer science sophomore said, “The advisers have been the most helpful, giving me important information for a transfer plan.”

Nineteen-year-old sophomore Denise Rodriguez chimed in, “An adviser helps me a lot with all my classes, also helps me when I want to transfer to another college.”

Kris Tata, an electrical engineering sophomore, said, “The librarians helped me find books and other resources for a previous English project.”

Katlin Cantu, a 24-year-old sophomore said “The most helpful service is the bookstore because they tell me where I need to go and which books I need to buy.”

Biology sophomore Juan Medina said the college’s main office is the resource he’s used the most. “I ask questions there all the time. Location of places, professors’ names, financial aid.”

Esperanza Benavidez, who is a 23-year-old veterinarian technology, said, “I would say the library because there are a bunch of study rooms available.”

“Go to the library to study,” Adriana Nino, a 19-year-old nursing sophomore, said. “Oppenheimer has those nice glass study rooms, so it has a view and it’s quiet. I need a quiet place to study.”

Jakob Marsh, 20 year-old sophomore, suggested the mega lab in Room 502 of Moody Learning Center as a strong resource for his current success. It’s “quiet and I can focus on my work.”

Priscilla Delarosa, a 27 year-old sophomore, enthused over the library’s selection of books on the third floor of Moody Learning Center.

James Mojica, 50, said he was very pleased with all the resources and that he hasn’t found a problem with any of them.

This story was compiled from interviews by Alyssa Dean, Allyson De La Garza, Cynthia Alexis Martinez, Humberto Barboza, Kelli Renae, Michael W. Donoughue, Noah Alcala Bach and Richard Stone.


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